Sometimes you play rough and win, sometimes you play rough and lose, and other times, well, you're just not sure how you came out in that whole mess.

"Uugghh. Feels like a freight train is running through my skull. Why is it so bright in here? I'm not taking these off until someone turns off the sun. What time is it? What did we do last night? I remember my whole crew was up in my crib, even the lemur and that giraffe with the big eyelashes. There was music, at least two FULL sippies of triple distilled H2O, and who knows how many blankets."

"Were you there? I thought I saw you there? Did you cut out early? No? You sure you weren't there? I coulda swore I saw you over by the nightlight."

"Anyway, thanks for the breakfast. You're a lifesaver, mom. Say, would you mind grabbing the laptop when you get a sec. I really oughta check Facebook. As full as my diaper was this morning, I'm sure I've already been tagged in a couple photos dragging that extra weight around. Oh well, no regrets is what I always say."