Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Diaperconda don't want none unless it's from your buns son

My son made this. Yup. It's one of the things he does best.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My son's appropriate reaction. This should be everyone's natural response to their first outing at the soup, salad, and breadstick churning machine known as the Olive Garden. A mixture of attraction, horror, and dumbfounded awe. How am I supposed to explain to my son why daddy has just ravenously devoured seventeen buttery salted carb sticks chased by eight bowls of gnocchi soup. How do I expect him to grasp the concept of the entree when I'm too full to eat mine when it arrives? What lesson is to be learned from watching dad try to distract mom in order to steal her Andies mint? And shouldn't half of these customers be wandering the aisles of Walmart? Confusion and gripping terror.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Check Out These Neck Muscles Ladies

Looks like all my tummy time is finally paying off! I can hold my head up for over a minute now. I even surprised my mom and dad and rolled over onto my back twice trying to get out of tummy time. No dice.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Feral Child

Tracked this little devil for three days before we finally caught his scent. Hil got him in her sights and pumped him full of enough tranq to drop a full grown male rhino. He is now caged and awaiting transfer to the Cincinnati Zoo. Don't let his docile appearance fool you. If he could he'd kill you and everyone in your family with no remorse. Some mammals can't be tamed.