Sunday, April 8, 2012

Egg Hunt!

Family has arrived to the Heffernan homestead for Easter festivities!  Feast and egg hunt are on the docket for the Xavier's first "toddler" Easter.

Xavier surveys the playing field hours before today's contest.  Will home field advantage play a deciding factor?
Aunt Jill is left to supervise the contestants prior to the contest.

The three competitors are released into the arena.  Xavier will try sticking to Dad's simple game plan:  Move quick, stay low to the ground, head on a swivel.


Another Egg.

Time is up!  Let's tally up the eggs to determine the winner!
Three way tie?  What is this, a campy sitcom?!
Now that's a mouthful of fun-size Twix.

"Thanks for the egg hunt mama. Guess who brought you an Easter flower?"

"The Easter Piggy!"

Thank You Easter Bunny

It's early on Easter morning and young Xavier has awoken to the glory and splendor that is Easter.  Candy, plastic eggs, and presents.

Sweet mother of all that is sacred.  This is not the tired pastel Easter morning that dad had as a child!

"Good alignment, manual steering, nice lines... not much in the way of shocks and struts, but overall not a bad ride for a one-speeder."

"Hammer down!  Let's Roll!"

Look at that face. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lawn Ranger

Xavier and dad blatantly ignoring the "no horseplay for two weeks" order given by the discharging nurse.  We limited our our activities to a reduced number of jumps and no flips for 72 hrs.

Xavier and dad posing with their bandages.
"So I have this land title... how do I go about letting people know that this yard is spoken for?"

"I claim this yard in the name of X!"

"Go dogs!  This is my island!"

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Extreme bunny hopping at daycare gets out of hand. X's smashes headfirst into a table at breakneck speed and our phones start ringing off the hook. Thank heavens the table's corners were rounded. As it was the little guy depeleted the entire stock of bandages from the first aid kit at daycare. Somehow they managed to use a tag team effort of Bugs and Tweety bandages to hold him together. Mom is off and running to save the day.

One trip to the emergency room at Children's Hospital (no, not the TV show, and also, no, not a hospital owned and operated entirely by children) and nine stitches later, and our boy is back in action. All in all, he was kind of a trooper.

He insisted in cleaning and redressing his own wounds.

"Says here to clean and disinfect wound with hydrogen peroxide. OK. Sounds good to me."

"On second thought, hydrogen peroxide does not sound good to me. Not at all."