Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dress Rehearsal Q & A Panel

Professor, what's another word for pirate treasure?

Why, I think it's...




That's what it is.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Super Happy Funtime

The update in which we lean back in our imaginary race car, try not to stare directly at the sun, stare directly at the sun, and then completely freak out on two giraffes at the same time. In that order.

Gentlemen. Start. Your. Engines.

Dad: "Don't stare directly at the sun."
X: "I'm not."
Dad: "Don't stare directly at the sun."
X: "Sure."

Dad: "Are you staring at the sun?"
X: "Wha????"
Dad: "You're staring directly into the sun."
X: "......"
Dad: "Serves you right. You're freaking out aren't you? Just try to not go all drooling bat-crap crazy and simultaneously take on two giraffes in unarmed combat... nevermind."

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hey Charlie Brown...

I got your damn Great Pumpkin right here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Prowling for Chicks in Indy

Time to hit Naptown to see bout scoring myself a lady friend. The locals say the place to find all the good tail is a watering hole called "Don Pablos". Sounds campy, but let's give it a shot.

Hey baby, you're colorful. How's bout I buy you some queso? Wha? Taken huh? No need to waste my time here. Next!

Hello blondie. They call me the X-Man... is that a ring on your finger? Man, no luck at all in this place! You don't happen to have any sisters do ya? All taken?! This town is dry. At least tell me you got a cute niece or something.

Now you're talkin! Hello gorgeous... is there room in this boppy for the both of us? You sure are a purty one. Hey mom, I want you to meet Vivi! Bring my burp cloth, I gotta make a good first impression!

Friday, October 15, 2010

FIRST VACATION! Red River Gorge, Kan-Tuh-Keee!

The whole famdamily headed out to a remote cabin high in the hills of exotic KY to spend a few days hiking and enjoying nature in Red River Gorge National Park. Here are a few candids.

Hil: "That tree is red."
X: "Thanks mom."

We're in a secluded cabin in a dry county. How the hell did X get his hands on 'tucky shine, and why didn't he share with mom and dad?

Searching for Tower Rock trail head with Xavier strapped to my chest. Mosquitoes must be following this blog, as a wide berth was given to our traveling party.

Trust building exercise. Dad closes his eyes and holds faith that infant son will safely guide him around the crevasse. We only fell once.

There are many obstacles in life that one must climb over. Then there are the obstacles you just pretend to climb for a campy photo op. The photo above is definitely the latter.

Father and son photos taken moments before I chucked his butt to the bottom of our King of the Hill boulder. Sorry son, but the name of the game isn't "kings" of the hill. It's singular for a reason. That reason: there can be only one. Tough love kid. Maybe next time.

Little guy is completely passed out.

How are there no hats that fit me?
Sleepin' in pop's arms at the Devil's Canyon overlook.

Mixed species family photo at Angel Windows arch formation. Only non-business end photo of Estelle that we were able to capture.

Full human family photo. The cabin was located at the top of a narrow ridge with an amazing view from nearly every angle of the wrap around deck. Spectacular views even on a foggy morn.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ohio 82nd Airborn

Damn you mutant mosquitoes in our yard! Why are you still alive? It's autumn for God's sake! Why is it that after 637 skeeter bites I've only actually seen four of you damn beasts? Do you have cloaking devices? If you only came after me it would be one thing... but now you've come after my family, and it's war. Just look what you cowards have done to my son!

Twice you attacked his head. Twice. How did you know that this is his Achilles heel? It's the #1 spot where I cannot slap you away. Where do you flying zombies get your intel? How are you so damn organized?! Let it be known, if the next cold snap doesn't do you in, expect napalm.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Victory Vomit

X has been rolling from his belly to his back for quite a while, but he finally figured out how to roll from his back to his belly. As you can see by the spit up, he was bursting with...pride. Once he finally figured out how to finagle his way past that bottom arm, he was off to the races. Back and forth, forth and back...this is how we spent our day. Practice makes perfect, he says.