Thursday, March 31, 2011

Play Ball!

Yes! It's opening day for the good ol' MLB! Time to solidify the family unit by enjoying our nation's favorite pastime together. We did, however, forget to tell Xavier that we're not actually going to be playing baseball. This lack of foresight resulted in a much wasted stretch routine...

Calf stretch

Ankle stretch

Quads and hammys


Feel that streeeetch...

It's that good kinda hurt.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder what's going on inside his tiny little noggin. Paranoia isn't my cup of tea, and while he seems full of love and contentment, I can't help but wonder why our son spends so much of his time stretching his legs. His calves and hammys can't possibly be any more relaxed. It's as if he's planning the run of a lifetime. Why all the training? What's he planning? Does he secretly resent the outfits with baseballs and animal faces on the butts? Is he gonna make a break for daylight? Where's he going to go? Will dairy farmers be able to meet production demands when Xavier's face on milk cartons drives sales through the roof?

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